I have finally finished yet another complete transformation from a dull, white room into a multipurpose beauty! Here's the before...

The long closet on the right side of the room just made the whole space feel smaller. My plan was to knock that down, build a new closet to the left of the door, then build two twin Murphy beds. Here's the new closet...

This is what it looked like after taking the long closet down...

The reason someone decided to build a closet here was to hide (with access to) the two main plumbing stacks. There was one on each end. I wanted to make this room into an exercise room so I added mirrors and strong framing for attaching TRX and exercise bands.

After adding all of that and a couple of outlets to this wall, I built columns (with access panels) to cover the plumbing stacks.

On the opposite side of the room, I built the Murphy beds. I started by cutting into the wall so that I could set them back as far as possible. I knew there was 9" behind the wall from previous work in the room on the other side.

I wasn't expecting to find that metal support post! That certainly had me scrambling to come up with a plan to work around it.

There was also wiring running through the space, which makes sense because there's an outlet on each side of where I wanted to install the bed. I had to move the one on the right over a bit which wasn't a big deal because I decided I would build cubbies with outlets behind each bed so that there was a place to plug something in from the beds.

Between the beds, I built a small set of shelves.

The next thing that needed to be done was to build out the wall for the backing.
Then I painted it and added wallpaper.
Just a little more trim before adding the beds.

For the beds, I just attached them with hinges. I put screw-on legs on the bottom that can be removed when the beds are up.
All that was left to do was to paint and add more trim so that they didn't look too plain.

Now the room is a gym and a bedroom.