I wanted a fireplace in the bedroom. Electric fireplaces are super easy to add. They're really just space heaters. I didn't know what I wanted to do with it so it really just went on the wall when I got it. I figured the tv would go above it. Easy.

I left it like that for a while because it functioned just fine. I figured an idea would come to me eventually. I liked the idea of surrounding it with shelves for books so I tried that out with some shelves I already had.

It was nice but it certainly needed more. I still wasn't sure what so I started by just boxing in the fireplace. I knew, no matter where the design ended up, it needed to be boxed in.

Again, I left it for a while because I liked it but just not quite enough. And then I found these really cool pillars that someone removed from their porch AND this old mirror that used to be on top of a dresser that I got for free. That's when it all clicked and I knew how I wanted to finish it.

It took a lot of playing around with parts of the dresser. I pulled all of the drawers apart so that I could create the fireplace surround. I eventually scrapped the idea of using the pillars.

Then I pulled apart the matching headboard that I also got for free.

While I was still working through the design, I found peel and stick tiles that fell in love with.

I just kept arranging and rearranging until I liked the results.

And THEN.......we put the house on the market, it sold within two days, we moved to a big-time fixer-upper, and I didn't get around to taking any pictures of the final finishing touches so the only picture I have is a low quality one that I had to zoom way in on from the listing.

I added wooden appliques over the holes that were left over from the drawer fronts and I installed a built-in outlet on top of the mantle.
And then, about a week after we moved out, I went back to the house to pick up a package that was delivered there by mistake and saw all of the pieces of my lovely creation in a dumpster on the driveway. Oh well! To each their own. I enjoyed creating this. Now I have an entire house that needs renovating and boy, oh boy do I have updates galore to add to my portfolio. I just need to get around to the finishing touches on at least one project!